Problem : Tic Tac Toe 2

Difficulty : Easy

Prerequisites : Simple Maths

Explanation :

For the given board configuration we have to check whether it is the final state of some possible tic-tac-toe game or not. Let numX, numO and numE represents the number of X’s, number of O’s and number of dots in given board configuration. Also let xWins and oWins denotes the number of x winning possible configuration and number of o winning possible configurations respectively. There will be total of 8 winning configurations:

  |    x   |       |        |
  |        |   x   |        |
  |        |       |   x    |

  |    x   |       |        |
  |    x   |       |        |
  |    x   |       |        |

  |    x   |   x   |   x    |
  |        |       |        |
  |        |       |        |

  |        |       |        |
  |        |       |        |
  |    x   |   x   |   x    |

  |    x   |       |        |
  |    x   |       |        |
  |    x   |       |        |

  |        |       |   x    |
  |        |       |   x    |
  |        |       |   x    |

  |        |   x   |        |
  |        |   x   |        |
  |        |   x   |        |

  |        |       |        |
  |    x   |   x   |   x    |
  |        |       |        |

Pseudocode :

If |numX - numO|<=1 # Since each player gets an alternative chance in tic tac toe game
 	If numE>0 and xWins=0 and oWins=0  #Case when there is empty block and no player has win till now
		then it is "invalid"
	If xWins>0 and oWins>0 #Case when there is winning configuration of both players simultaneously
		then it is "invalid"
	If xWins>0
		If numX > numO
			then it is "valid"
			then it is "invalid"
	If oWins>0
		If numX < numO
			then it is "valid"
			then it is "invalid"
	rest all are "valid"
	rest all are "invalid"